Our Data Center

The data center is where our servers and associated hosting platform are co-located. This is the physical location where your site is hosted. When we come up to the decision which data center to locate our servers at, we wanted to make sure it will have many peer points and strategic location in the global network of interconnected computers - the Internet. That is why we chose LambdaNet Co-Location in Kiel, Germany

The Data Center is well known for being the connecting point of the Internet backbones between Europe and North America.

The presence of key international exchange points is providing fast access to all vital Internet networks in-between Europe and North America. The other reason we chose this data center and its co-location services and its high degree of protection against unauthorized access or any kind of intrusion - redundant power supply, state-of-the-art air conditioning system, active fire protection system and round-the-clock network monitoring.

Commercial free webhosting with php5, mysql and mod_rewrite!